Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Contemplations on an Overcast Autumn Afternoon

After a solid week of cool weather, overcast skies, and intermittent rain, we had about two and a half days with sunshine and more seasonal temperatures. It was nice. Still, as the clouds thicken and my mind ponders the cooler temperatures that will arrive again soon, I am not minding this somewhat gloomy autumn weather. In fact, I find myself embracing it. The cooler temperatures don't bother me all that much - at least not yet! I think because the landscape is still so saturated with color, thanks mostly to the autumn foliage, that it doesn't seem so dark & dreary, even on overcast days, as it will in February and March when the landscape is mostly a palette of grays and browns, and the trees and shrubs that are now softly outlined with leaves will be stark figures with their naked outstretched branches.

At the moment I have a chicken and veggies simmering in a pot on the stove. There is something about the aroma of chicken stock simmering in the kitchen. It is a warm, comforting scent. It makes me feel even better because I know the nutrient-rich broth will not only produce a hearty and delicious chicken stew with biscuits for tonight's dinner, but the extra broth will be available for other dishes after that, or in the event that someone is sick and needs some of what my mother has referred to as "Jewish penicillin" even though we are not Jewish. Homemade chicken broth, or chicken stock, is just so delicious AND good for you.

Today I am especially tired. I haven't been sleeping well, and last night was a little worse than usual. I tried to nap earlier today, but that didn't work out well. My mission is to stay awake long enough to get through dinner, tidy the kitchen, & prep for tomorrow, but otherwise to get to bed as early as possible tonight. A brief nap is sounding good at the moment, however. Perhaps I can sneak in a few winks while the primer on the wall dries. I am trying to fix what the painter I hired didn't quite do correctly. It's not so much fun. I thought I had the place cleaned up and could put the room back together last Friday. We are getting there.

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